Friday, March 14, 2008

Almost 30

Okay. So I guess I am still almost five months away from the big 3-0, but the point is, it is coming. I have said that I am looking forward to it, and to be honest, am I. BUT, am I where I thought I would be at 30? Not really. I have accomplished a lot, and I have done a lot, but had you asked me when I graduated from Western Michigan University in 2000, "Is this where you will be at 30?", I would have laughed and said "No Way!." Ah, the hope and determination of youth.

You know those 5 year and 10 year and 20 year plans you do when you are younger? Has anyone REALLY fulfilled EVERY thing that they thought they would in those time spans? Of course not. They are unrealistic. They only set you up for disappointment and make you feel like a little bit of a failure. So if you are out there and filling one out, don't do it! Don't put a time line on yourself, on your LIFE. Yes, it is great to have goals. I think you HAVE to have goals. But give yourself the time to reach them. I said that I would be on Broadway by the time I was 25. That deadline passed almost 5 years ago, and I still have not performed on Broadway. I have come close, and I have done many other amazing shows, but I still haven't reached that goal. Am I giving up because I didn't reach it 5 years ago? Of course not. But, does a little part of me feel like I have disappointed myself? Yes. And that is my point. Time lines set you up for disappointment. You never know what will come at you on any given day in life, good or bad. And these situations will throw you off your time line.

I used to love, it must have been the dork in me, doing time lines in school. Remember when you would be assigned a period of history, or a historical person and you would create a time line of events or accomplishments? Those were fun! And this is where time lines are useful because they highlight events that have already happened, and, for the most part, nothing happening now is going to effect those time lines. You could start a time line and know that you would be finishing it. A personal time line is ever changing and evolving. So we can't beat ourselves up if things aren't happening when we want them to. Maybe I should create a time line for myself and start it from today forward with out any dates. Just a list of my life goals and an empty line next to them, so I can write in the date when I accomplish them. Now all the pressure will be gone. Now I can focus my energy without worrying that I have let too much time pass by. Now my goals will become reality.

Monday, March 10, 2008


I have a love/hate relationship with my DVR. First of all, I don't know how I ever lived with out it. Up until last year I was still recording my favorite shows on my VCR. Yes, with actual VHS tapes. I Then, my roommates and I finally decided to get not one, but two DVR's. And then my life changed. You mean I can record TWO shows at one time? Oh wow. It was amazing. However the honeymoon is over. Don't get me wrong, I still LOVE my DVR, but at the same time I hate it. Do you know how behind I am on my shows? There are times where I feel guilty that I have neglected her. I can hear her in my sleep..."Stephen, Stephen, how can you go to bed when you have two new episodes of BIG BROTHER to watch?" I mean, I have programs on my DVR from last summer, when I first got her, that I have NEVER watched. Yet, there they are, saved from deletion, with that little gray diamond which means they can be saved FOREVER. I mean, it is possible that in March of 2009 I will still have HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL 2 on my DVR, and I will have never watched it. Some of you may say that might not be a bad thing, but as it will be a stage musical soon, I see it as research. yeah.

Anyway, all of that aside, I am almost three weeks behind on many of my shows and many of these are hour long programs. And now, with the Writer's Strike over, so many of my favorite shows are coming back. I see trouble ahead. Big trouble. I have already had to let some of my friends go. CELEBRITY REHAB? I dropped her three weeks ago. AMERICAN IDOL? I have downsized to only watching the results show. THE VIEW? I only watch those ladies if I am home at 11am. So what lies ahead? Whole days devoted to catching up on my DVR. Losing sleep. And the real question is: How will my DVR respond? Will she have enough room to store all of these programs? Some of the gray diamonds may have to be deleted...but I will never delete VICTORIA BECKHAM: COMING TO AMERICA. Ever.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

A New...Blog, Has Come...

So, I had lunch today with one of my dearest friends MacKenzie and she convinced to me to start a blog. MacKenzie and I have been friends since we were in Middle School, or Jr. High, depending on where you are from. Why are there two names for it anyway? Jr. High, Middle School...can't we just pick one? Anyway, who knew that after almost 15 years, two kids from Grand Blanc, Michigan would both be in NYC, having brunch on a chilly March Sunday and talking about blogs! I got really excited about the idea and now here I am! By the way, MacKenzie also has a blog,, so check it out!

Now that we are past the formalities, where do I start? Well, I am an Actor, Singer, Dancer, and Choreographer, but right now I find myself waiting tables. I guess it is a rite of passage that all actors in New York go through but I can tell you that it is one I wish I could skip. Believe me, I wouldn't miss it. At the same time, I work with some fun people and with each table you can meet new...ha ha ha...who am I kidding. Just put me on a stage, or in a rehearsal hall. That is my true love. But, here we are, the beginning of March and I am still without a performing gig. One of the things I love about this business is that your life can change with a phone call. Well...I AM READY FOR THAT PHONE CALL! My friends and I always joke that when a random 212 or 646 number shows up on our cell phones that it is Broadway calling. Well, lately when I get that random 212 or 646 call it is for some job that I applied for on craigslist. And believe me, you never know who or what is going to call you from craigslist. Don't get me wrong, there are many good things about craigslist and I have booked many a gig from craigslist. BUT...there are some SHADY people on that website. I guess that can be said about many people you meet or deal with on the Internet...but that is for another blog post.

Well! I think that is where I will end. Just some random thoughts from a random guy in NYC. As my title says, A New Blog Has Come...a little take on Celine's A New Day Has Come. I have been a little obsessed with Celine ever since I bought her Las Vegas show on DVD. It is amazing...and I am inspired by her discipline. And Hillary Clinton's too. Okay, I guess that is kind of random, but I had to mention her at least once in my first post. I will talk more about Hillary in my upcoming posts, but you must know that I support Hillary and I am continually amazed by her in this campaign. More on Hillary later...

Until next time...